ISO 45001:2018 Certified
We are proud to announce that Modern Gardens received another certification from ICA, ISO 45001:2018. This serves as an inspiration to us...

Modern Gardens is now in Bahrain!
Dear Valuable Customers, It is our pleasure and honor to announce the opening of our branch in Kingdom of Bahrain. Our branch and...

How Covid-19 infects Smart Cities
The following is an article and study by our partners in Seedia regarding "How COVID-19 infects smart cities" Modern Gardens is a company...

Modern Gardens support the fight of China and the rest of the world against 2019-nCoV
Modern Gardens and our sister companies pray to China and the rest of the world in fighting against Novel Corona Virus. We are so...

Modern Gardens partnership with InterAtletika
Modern Gardens is pleased to have partnership with Inter Atletika / Інтер Атлетика for Sports Equipment, Gym Equipment, Play Equipment,...

Modern Gardens partnership with Inclusive Play
Modern Gardens is pleased to have a partnership with Inclusive Play for inclusive play equipment. Our partners in Inclusive Play is 100%...

Futura Form partnership with Modern Gardens
We are so grateful and excited to announce the partnership with Futura Form. Futura Form had long time business relation to Modern...

The Third Forum of the Future Vision for Parks and Recreation Facilities (Fitness and Play Equipment
We are proud that Modern Gardens is one of the honored companies to be invited by Abu Dhabi Municipality for the yearly exhibition with...

Modern Garden Projects through the years
Modern Gardens is proud to contribute our products to shape the landscape of the UAE for over 11 years and counting. We present to you...

EHD Project, Al Ain
Another milestone has been achieved with the completion of Emirati Housing Development project in Al Ain. The project is made of 3000...